Categories: Weekly Newsletters

Challenging Relationships


“Are You Constantly Looking for a Challenge in Your Relationships?”

By Bart Baggett
President, Handwriting University

Listen Here:

This audio clip is one small section of our entire
CD/DVD home study course.
Visit this link to order the entire seminar on CD and DVD

Why do some people always seem to fight in a relationship? Perhaps they are just looking for a challenge. You can see the trait relating to a need for a challenge called stingers in the d’s, c’s and a’s of a person’s handwriting.

If you have this trait you may want to ask yourself why you need a challenge…all the time. You can always find someone to have a relationship with that challenges your intellect but if you tend to go for difficult, dangerous or problem people, it’s a good idea to evaluate what drives this desire and eliminate any resentment you may have toward the opposite sex.

If you are dating someone with “stingers” in their handwriting…hold on…you may be in for a bumpy ride.

Just know that, ultimately, you can find healthy ways to fulfill your constant need for a challenge in your life and have a healthy relationship as well.

Listen to this segment from the Handwriting Analysis Certification Course as Bart and Curt Baggett discuss relationship compatibility, stingers and resentment.

You can refer to the “STINGERS” Graphodeck Card while listening to the audio


Can you find the 7 stingers in this sample of handwriting?

If you have “stingers” in your handwriting and want to work on this trait using the technique of Grapho-Therapy, I highly recommend the workbook Change Your Life, Change Your Handwriting! You’ll be amazed at how simply changing a stroke can have a profound effect on your personality and your happiness.

You can always learn more from our Home Study Courses about evaluating and combining traits. http://myhandwriting.com/order/catalog.html

“My Handwriting Analysis Course has had the biggest impact on my life… it was the start of a life transformation. My self-esteem, confidence, creativity, and speed of learning have been dramatically strengthened. The results were quick and permanent. Oh, thank you so much for sharing this information. I recommend it to people everywhere I go!”
– Lisa Marie Allen-Bitner
“I am very happy that I made this investment. I look forward to continuing my education with Handwriting University. The experience has been great, and enrolling in this program has been one of the smartest things I have ever done.”
– Brenda Boelhower Student, Dayton, NJ
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