Weekly Newsletters

Are you paranoid if they really are after you? (Self consciousness explained.)

FEATURE STORY : Self Conscious? Whose Watching you? By Bart Baggett President, Handwriting University Listen Here: http://www.learnhandwritinganalysis.com/audio/shy.html  When one is feeling self-conscious, one becomes aware of even the smallest of one’s own actions. Such...

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Thinking Patterns and Intelligence

1. FEATURE STORY: "Don't call them dumb... they just aren't that sharp." "Thinking Patterns and Intelligence" audio article by Bart Baggett 2. BREAKING NEWS : Early Bird Tickets for International Handwriting Conference in Las...

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Graphology Reveals… Are you in Control or a Control Freak?

FEATURE STORY : Are you in Control or a Control Freak? By D. West, Contributing Writer and Certified Handwriting Expert Franklin D. Roosevelt once said that “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.”...

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Are you too shy to read this? Shyness: The Handwriting Trait of the Week

FEATURE STORY : Shyness: Trait of the Week Contributed by Guest Author and Certified Handwriting Analyst David Riffey, St. Petersburg, FL Are you diplomatic, self-conscious or just shy? While studying for Handwriting Analysis Certification,...

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Do you have “Irritating Personality Disorder? Handwriting Reveals Your Emotional Baggage.

FEATURE STORY : Emotional Baggage – Is your baggage too heavy to deal with? Handwriting Clues Revealed About You. By Bart Baggett, President of Handwriting University .com Have you ever had anyone just walk...

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Finding the Perfect Valentine using a Stroke of the Pen

FEATURE STORY: “Finding the Perfect Valentine using a Stroke of the Pen” by Bart Baggett “Everyone NEEDS this knowledge. I’ll never date or hire anyone ever again without analyzing the handwriting.” FEATURE STORY :...

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Why Won’t My Love Commit to Me? (5 clues revealed through handwriting everyone should see)

  Special Pre-Valentine’s Day article by Handwriting Expert Bart Baggett When the relationship first began it felt like both of you had wings on your feet and that together you could soar, hand in...

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Is This Marriage Headed for Divorce?

Bart Baggett’s January Newsletter and Announcements! 1. FEATURE STORY: “Is This Marriage Headed for Divorce ” by Bart Baggett 2. Invitation: Live telel-class with Bart Baggett “Everyone NEEDS this knowledge. I’ll never date or...

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National Handwriting Week

1. Featured Story: “Success Through the Stroke of a Pen” a National Handwriting Week Special Feature2. Specials: Get certified as a Handwriting Analyst! 3. Student Comments: See how Handwriting Analysis has changed the lives...

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John Hancock’s Handwriting Analysis Birthday Free Gift… download special report here

HandwritingUniversity.com FEATURE STORY: John Hancock’s Handwriting Analysis Birthday Week Written by Bart Baggett, president of The International School of Handwriting Analysis and Forensic Document Examination Written by Bart Baggett January 12th might have been...

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