12 Month Platinum Level Coaching Program for Authors, Speakers, Experts, and Coaches.
A 12 Month Career Blueprint For Authors,
Speakers, Experts, & Coaches.
Dear Fellow Author, Speaker, Expert or Coach-
If you are a person with a message to share with the world, a person who has the ability to CHANGE LIVES with your knowledge… this program puts the business and marketing systems behind your brain.
If you are expert in any field… this 1-year “Coaching Program” will secure your place as the top of mind expert and have a profitable 6-7 figure business that generates leads, sales, and new customers 24/7.
This is not about writing just one book or putting up a website…this is about building a business with step-by-step systems in place within the first year. When you follow this blueprint, you will be free to focus on “illuminating” your customers and fans with articles, books, CDs, DVDs, seminars, coaching programs and in-person events.
You will be shown Bart’s step-by-step blueprint for turning your knowledge and information into a 6- figure business with raving fans around the globe. Also, if speaking is part of your business model, Bart will show you how to leverage your worldwide list of fans and clients into a life of globetrotting around the world sharing your message.
Who this is program for?
Any author, coach, expert, professional speaker, attorney, doctor, consultant, or authority in any field who wants to become the top of mind “trusted authority” in his market. Our past clients include: authors, court qualified expert witnesses, medical doctors, handwriting experts, public speakers, life and business coaches, and consultants. This program is for someone who has the money and time to take your business to the next level. This program is ideally for an entrepreneur who has a unique expertise in his/her field and a cash-flowing business which can benefit from massive exposure in both the internet and real worlds.
Who is this not for?
This is not for someone who is just starting his or her first business. This is not for someone who markets a “me-too” commodity or a small business owner with only a local audience (dry cleaner, 7-11 franchise owner, or fast food restaurant). If you do not believe that you can become one the top “experts” in your niche, this program is not a good fit for you. This is not for someone who is “thinking about an idea”, but has no funds or time to implement it.
This program is not for you…if you do not want to “do the work” or manage the “people” to build out strategic websites, articles, videos, and short books using your unique knowledge and expertise. Each step of the blueprint requires writing, re-designing, or making changes to your online and off-line marketing. If you do not have the time or money to implement the strategies talked about in the coaching sessions…this program is not for you.
Finally, the tactics and strategies will take a minimum of $14,000 in addition to the fees paid to us in order to implement the strategies. If you are a “broke coach”, a “wanna be public speaker” or a first time author with a “garage full of books you can’t sell” and you are forced to work a day job just to scrape by…this program is simply not a good fit for you.
So, now that I’ve run off the tire-kickers and have the attention of the “Rising Stars” and already successful entrepreneurs in the audience…let me explain some of what you’ll be getting.
First, you get significant access to me, Bart Baggett. I’ve had over 20 years of hands-on business experience which I will utilize to give you and your business model a complete make-over. You get my personal private mobile number and unlimited email access to me throughout the year.
If I’ve accomplished something you want to accomplish…this “access” to my brain, my contacts, and my experience can be priceless.
Second, you get my team of experts to support you. In addition to the monthly coaching calls with me, you get 3 fifteen minute “implementation calls” with one of my super star team of experts who have helped me run my businesses the past 5 years. They will “problem solve” with you so you don’t get stuck at any one point.
Third, you get my Rolodex of vendors, web designers, and resources it has taken me 20 years to cultivate. Whether you need a shipping house in the USA, a top notch book agent, or a word press designer you can trust…I’ve got the people already vetted and trained.
If that isn’t enough…you get to live your legacy.
Here’s my promise. If you follow my advice and your wisdom really does “transform and change lives”, you will have 20 glowing letters of testimonials on your office wall which will fill you with pride, joy, and a sense of accomplishment. Furthermore, if you build a real business (as I am going to recommend) you will have monthly cash flow coming into your bank account every day of the year with little or no work on your part each day. (There is work … but most can be delegated or chunked into a few hours per week).
Among the “little known tactics” which you be shown in massive detail are:
• Dominate Page #1 of Google. Set up an easy to follow SEO / Adwords strategy that will push your competition to page #2 and beyond in just a few minutes a week of effort.
• Become the “Recognized Expert” in your field securing higher prices, higher perceived value and celebrity status.

Bart Baggett appears on Larry King Live.
• 2 Winning Strategies to become an Amazon #1 Best-Seller.

Here is the proof I know how to do this and can show you the blueprint. In April 2012, my latest 66 page book hit #1 in it’s category. I did this in less than one week and it cost me less than $199. I’ll show you the step-by-step method. Oh, I can also now claim Bart Baggett, Best Selling Author.
(Yes, you can use your current book or write a new short 66 page book and take it to #1 on Amazon.) The platinum program does not duplicate information or provide the same benefits as the separate “Best Selling Author Coaching Program” sold separately. You can enroll in that program before, after, or during the Platinum program. Most students take both.
• How to write a Short Little book which positions you as the “Trusted Authority” in your niche. This one- week process leverages your knowledge and out-sourced help to write, edit, and publish your short easy-to-read book in under a week.
• How to make your video and get it on page #1 of Google in 24 hours.
• How little, easy- to- film, 2 minute video “Tips” can secure a flood of free traffic and make your YouTube channel a secret source of revenue and leads 24 hours a day.
• How to position yourself as unique in your niche, separating yourself from your competitors.
• How to Raise Your Fees. In Depth pricing strategy brainstorming. Break free of the hours for dollars model in any niche you are serving.
• Publicity secrets for getting USA Today, Wall Street Journal, CNN, and 1000’s of top TV , Radio, and Newspapers calling you to comment on national news stories.

These articles were not just “blind luck.” There is a specific strategy Bart implemented in the early 1990’s and now, 20 years later… the media still calls him to be the “expert” for their TV show, article, or radio program. Follow these steps for a few years… and receive a lifetime of celebrity status.

Bart Baggett on Fox News. Bart will reveal how you can get yourself booked on radio and TV shows worldwide.
•How to use a $400 press release to increase Search Engine Rankings and put yourself in front of thousands of prospects and media professionals worldwide.
• How to hire a Virtual Assistant to handle all repetitive time consuming tasks and allow you to focus on the highest PER MINUTE activities so your business runs 24/7 in a highly automated fashion.
• Discover the truth about how to get yourself booked on Local & National TV and leverage this for celebrity status for years to come.
• How to use articles and Blogs to position you as the #1 Trusted Authority in your niche market.
• How to use speeches and lectures to generate new customers and referrals. A simple 9 step formula for every lecture which guarantee’s sales and interest.
• Complete Website Marketing Review by Bart Baggett. Get an in-depth review of the copy, colors, design, and strategy to increase the effectiveness of your website.
• How to build a large email list of prospects and customers who are hungry for your wisdom and expertise.
• How to setup up a Google Adwords Campaign for under $300 a month that guarantees only high-quality leads and 100% trackable conversion statistics so every advertising dollar comes back in profit. Bonus: Bart’s team will set up the structure which saved one previous client $300,000 in unwanted clicks.
• 5 Minute Dashboard Management. This simple .xls spreadsheet will give you the clarity of a 50 million dollar CEO and give you the ability to make strategic decisions in 5 minutes per month.
• How to turn your knowledge into information products and seminars which make you money 24/7 while you sleep.
* How to travel the globe giving lectures, seminars, and speeches with no money out of your pocket and create hours and hours of video and audio content at the same time. This secret method allowed me to visit India, Singapore, Australia … all with no risk and plenty of time for site seeing.

Bart Baggett speaks to a sold out crowd in Mumbai India.
• How to use automated email marketing to connect, educate, and sell customers weekly using self-sending auto-responders.
If Your Application is Accepted, Here are the Benefits You Will Receive:
___ Membership into the Luminary Mastermind Program. Four (4) Private, 2-Day, “Closed-Door” Live Luminary Mastermind Meetings hosted by Bart Baggett. These masterminds happen 4 times a year at various locations around the globe. Each member receives coaching and feedback from Bart and the rest of the coaching members in attendance. Bart invites other “experts” and/or current coaching members to learn from each other. This provides a sense of face-to-face community and provides the opportunity to learn from , network, and possibly partner with other coaching members. You can apply for membership to this Luminary Mastermind without joining the coaching program. It is a three year program at $10,000 per year. If you are accepted into the coaching program, your first year is included at no additional fee.
(Value $10,000)
___ Twelve (12) “Marketing Genius” Tele-Classes. These live and/or pre-recorded detailed marketing and business lessons are specifically designed to give you detailed, step-by-step strategies for implementing the core components of your marketing program.
60-90 minutes in length.
(Value: $6,700)
___ Twelve (12) Private, One-On-One 55 Minute Pre-Scheduled Coaching Calls. Calls are pre-scheduled to keep you on track, hold you accountable, and quickly solve your current challenges. Platinum Members gets 1 private coaching call per month directly with Bart Baggett. You can ask Bart any question (business or personal) and have him help you solve the challenge. Each call last up to 55 minutes.
(Value: $12,000)
___ (24) Implementation Coaching Calls. Each Platinum Member gets 2 private coaching calls per month directly with a Certified Implementation Coach hand selected by Bart Baggett to implement the marketing strategies for each client. Each call last up to 30 minutes.
(Value: $7,200)
____ One Day Private Intensive. Spend one Day (5 Work Hours) with Bart Baggett to evaluate, discuss, and position yourself as the top of mind expert. Bring all your ideas and allow Bart to refine, re-position, and create a long-term strategy for your business. This will be here in Los Angeles or in your home town (travel expenses and lodging would be extra.)
(Value: $10,000)
_____ Google Adwords Set up and Strategy Session. This service alone has saved one client over $300,000 in wasted Adwords fees. Bart has over 10 years of adwords advertising experience, spent over $297,724.58 in ads directly to Google, and generated millions of dollars in revenue using this platform for his coaching clients. Bart and his team will personally set up and create your Google adwords account and teach you to monitor the performance through the “management” panel throughout the year.
(Value: $5000)
____ Six (6) Emergency Laser Coaching Calls per 12 months where you can call Bart directly for six 10-minute emergency calls so Bart can support and advise you through the challenge or situation at hand. You will have Bart’s private mobile number.
(Value $1,000)
_____ FREE Admission to a 4 Day Marketing Bootcamp in Los Angeles. The specific bootcamp will depend on your goals and needs. This bootcamp would be taught by one of Bart’s mentors and you can schedule your One Day Private Session around this date. Attending one of these information packed seminars shaves months of “learning curve” off of the typical coaching client’s ability to implement.
(Value $3500)
Are you interested?
The next step is to download the application, fill it out in your own handwriting, and send it back to Bart’s office for review. Then, our office will schedule your 20 minute “Right Fit” telephone consultation. This really is an application only program which is strictly limited to the people who are a good fit for Bart, his staff, the content, and have a project or business with a high probability of success. Since Bart and his team will be spending an extraordinary amount of time with you and the other Platinum Members, it is of utmost important that we make sure all the members of the group are a good fit.
Now that you want to join, the next question is… what is the value and the investment?
Spaces are very limited for each program.
* 12 Monthly payment plan clients can only schedule their in person consult with Bart only after the third payment has processed successfully. Or, you can pay 3 months in advance and pick up the payment plan on month four.
Applications are being accepted now.
Mr. Baggett only accepts 12 Coaching Clients per year and he is very selective about who he works with. If you are accepted, but no space is available, you will be put on the WAITING LIST for the next available slot. Call now for an application and we will email you the application after speaking with you.
Call us today at 310-684-3048 to schedule a quick 20 minute “Right Fit” interview. Ask any questions and hold your spot.
Spaces are very limited for each program.
Shown below are the three coaching programs offered at this time for Authors, Experts, Speakers and Coaches. This page discussed the Platinum Program. Ask about the other 2 programs if they seem to be a better fit at this time.
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